kwiboo recognises that individuals and organisations with which we conduct business value their privacy. However, in order to provide timely and secure services in this increasingly electronic economy, the collection of client information is often necessary and desirable. kwiboo is committed to protecting the privacy and security of individuals and individual business clients encountered whilst conducting its business to prevent the misuse of their personal information, ensuring business continuity and confidentiality.
'Client Information' is information that is directly associated with a specific person such as a user's name, address, or telephone number, e-mail address, location information, or even sometimes information about online or network activities.
kwiboo maintains physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards for information collected through and stored in all its computer systems. This data may be retained at our discretion for an indefinite period of time. The data is retained and used for accounting, billing and auditing, administrative and legal purposes, security and payment verification.
All legislative and regulatory requirements are met through the Companies, Data Protection and Software Licensing Acts.
Information security training will be available to all staff and forms part of the induction training for new starters.
Supporting procedures are in place defining security policy with regard to availability of information and information systems, virus controls, password controls and software encryption.
All breaches of information security, actual or suspected, will be reported to the Information Systems Manager, who is responsible for maintaining the security policy and providing advice and guidance on its implementation.
All business managers are directly responsible for implementing the policy within their own areas and for adherence by their staff.
It is the responsibility of each employee to adhere to this policy.
If you have a software idea, or need some help with the ideas or user experience for an application, please do get in touch.
Wharfside House,
Prentice Road,
IP14 1RD